Summer Camp - 2013

Start Date: Sunday, July 7th , 2012 9:00 AM
End Date: Saturday, July 13th, 2012 1:00 PM
Meeting Point for Drop-off and Pickup: Catalina Terminal
Location: Cherry Valley, Catalina
Forms Needed: Troop 693 Permission Slip
Coordinator: TBD
Cost: TBD
Things to bring: Camping Checklist
Sign-Up Start Date: TBD

  1. Take CA-91 West
  2. Merge onto I-110 South (Harbor Freeway) to San Pedro
  3. Merge onto CA-47 North (Vincent Thomas BR/Terminal Island/Long Beach)
  4. Immediately move to the far right lane to Exit Harbor Blvd.
  5. Stay on the Middle Lane, which will take you right into Berth 95 parking. (You will pass Harbor Blvd)
      1. Parking is free for the first hour, and $1.00 extra for each additional hour. $12 max
      2. Once you enter parking at Berth 95, a sign with a left arrow will direct you to the Catalina Terminal (Red Letters)
      3. Parking is to your left. I will be there early to check in Troop 693 scouts as well as meet with Cherry Valley Staff who will be checking in all BSA Troops.

Pre-Summer Camp Orientation

Date1: May 23, 2013 7 pm
Location: Cerritos High School - Mrs. Preciado Classroom # 704 - Use 183rd Street Entrance + Parking

Date2: June 6, 2013 7 pm
Location: CPE (Room Newport B)

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