Summer Camp - 2012

Start Date: Sunday, July 15th , 2012 9:00 AM
End Date: Saturday, July 21st, 2012 1:00 PM
Meeting Point for Drop-off and Pickup: Carmenita Middle School
Location: Camp Mataguay located in the mountains northeast of San Diego
Forms Needed: Summer Camp Permission Slip
Coordinator: Frances Gorospe, Charles Cho
Cost: $300/Scout (The payment plan is based on 31 scouts and 4 adults attending)
Things to bring: Camping Checklist
Sign-Up Start Date: Monday, December 5th, 2011


  1. Check your calendars and reserve your spot starting Monday, December 5th, 2011
  2. Please be sure that you are able to attend as the deposit is NON-REFUNDABLE
  3. Check out the camp at
  4. Any adults who are able to attend, please let me know ASAP. We would like two new parents T693 parents if possible

Payment Schedule

Payment Amount Due Date
Sign up/Reserve spot Beginning Dec. 5, 2011
Payment #1 $100 Jan. 23, 2012
Payment #2 $100 Feb. 27, 2012
Payment #3 $50 Mar. 26, 2012
Payment #4 $50 Apr. 23, 2012

Pre-Summer Camp Orientation

Date: July 5, 2012 7 pm - 8:30 pm
Location: Cerritos High School - Mrs. Preciado Classroom # 704 - Use 183rd Street Entrance + Parking

From Mrs. Gorospe —
You can download the entire "Leader's Guide" at

  1. Please review all the merit badges being offered at Camp Mataguay. (pages 1-11 on my attachment, pgs 4-14 on "Leader's Guide")
  2. Also, review the "session schedule" pages 12-13 (Pgs 20-21 on LG) to determine which MBs you will take and when/which session. There are 4 sessions during the day and session 5 in the evening. You don't have to sign up for session 5 but you should sign up for at least 3-4 sessions. Some MBs require 2 sessions so make sure you can fit everything on your daily schedule. New scouts should sign up for "Pathfinders". Please also take note of any requirements or age restrictions.
  3. Please let me know which MBs you will take and the corresponding session. Email me your list or print out the "session schedule" and circle each MB you want to take. I would appreciate getting this information by next monday's troop meeting, May 14. We will be registering all scouts for their merit badges May 15th online. We will register everyone in the order that we receive your requests and information. This deadline is especially critical for those who want to take the Aviation MB and participate in the glider flight.


  1. Plan to attend the orientation for summer camp on Thursday, June 7 @7pm.
  2. Make sure your medical forms are updated for summer camp (July 15-21)

Glider Ride Pictures: click here

Day1 - Arrive Camp Mataguay

T693 all arrived safe at camp Mataguay! Settled in, dinner, campfire and ready for tomorrow.



Day4 - Flying in an airplane

From Jeanne -
I took a picture of your scouts while I visited Camp Mataguay yesterday. I missed a few scouts, but I hope the smiles on their faces put your minds at ease. All the Scouts did well on the gliders, and I understand that they wanted to "do it again".
Your scouts will return on Saturday with many stories to share with you~




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