Samuel Cho Eagle Project

Day1: Saturday March 7th 2015; 8AM - 4PM
Day2: Saturday March 14th 2015; 8AM - 4 PM
Project Beneficiary: The Celtic Cross Organization
Location (Drop-off/Pick-up): Carmenita Middle School; 13435 166th St. Cerritos, CA 90703
Job Site Location: St. Mary’s Episcopal Church (961 So. Mariposa, Los Angeles Ca)
Forms Needed: Permission Slip
What to Wear: Old Clothes that you’re willing to get dirty! And gloves. And hats. And sunscreen.
Contact Information: moc.liamg|liamesohcleumas#moc.liamg|liamesohcleumas

Project Details

We will be constructing an 8 ft. tall wooden structure to protect a mosaic of the Virgin of Guadalupe from the weather. Steps will include painting the wood, digging holes, cementing posts, assembling the roof and attaching it to two posts. (As you can tell, it will be a physically demanding project, so I will need as much help as I can get!)

Flyer: Samuel Cho Eagle Project Flyer

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