- If you have achieved the rank of "LIFE" scout and are interested in learning about the PATH TO EAGLE, you have come to the right place.
- If you are a Scout Parent and would like to learn about the PATH TO EAGLE, you have also come to the right place.
- If you are Scout Leader and would like to learn about Guiding Scouts in the PATH TO EAGLE, you have also come to the right place.
The purpose of this section is to detail everything there is know about PATH TO EAGLE.
So, let's get started.
-Merit Badges - 21 minimum: (13 Eagle + 8 Others)
Earn a total of 21 merit badges. List the month, day and year the merit badge was earned
-Leadership position: 6 months active
While as Life scout, serve actively for a period of six (6) months in a position of responsibility
- Active as a Life Scout: 6 months minimum
Be active in your troop for a period of minimum six (6) months after achieving the rank of Life Scout.
-Eagle Service Project:
Plan a service project and develop and give leadership to other scouts.
- Demonstrate you live by Scout spirit:
Demonstrate that you live by the principles of Scout Oath and Law in your daily life. List names of individuals who know you personally and would be willing to provide a recommendation on your behalf
- Scout Master Conference:
Hold Scout Master Conference
- Complete Eagle Board of Review:
Complete and pass the District Eagle Character Board
There are a total of 10 steps in the PATH TO EAGLE.
Refer this "Path to Eagle" Flowchart for quick and easy understanding of the various stages and steps:
• Start an Eagle binder. It can be a simple 3 ring binder. Include the following in it:
• A printed copy of the Eagle Project Workbook and Eagle Project Check off list
• Include any and all details regarding your proposed eagle project if ready (pictures, drawings, etc).
• Blue cards/papers for all Merit Badges Earned
• Rank Advancement Report (obtained from your Troop Advancement Chair)
- counter check all the dates in the report to see if it matches those in your blue card and/or scout book for rank dates
• Line paper to take notes
Contact your Troop Eagle Advisers via Email and request a meeting. (gro.396poort|ediugelgae#gro.396poort|ediugelgae)
Bring the following items to the meeting:
1. Arrive in Full Class A uniform
2. Bring Scout Handbook
3. Bring Eagle Binder with all items listed above
4. Eagle Project ideas that you may have. If you have already discussed with a beneficiary and have received their approval, bring as much details as possible, like project location, pictures, drawings, meeting notes with beneficiary etc.
At the meeting, your Eagle Guide/Advisers will do the following:
1. Eagle adviser will cross check Tenderfoot, 1st /2nd Class requirement and ranks with Advancement Report and will check to see that all dates signed are after the Scout Rank.
2. Eagle Advisers will check your Merit Badge achievement dates and cross check them with the sign off dates in the Handbook and the Blue cards and the advancement report
3. Eagle Advisers will start a "Scout Info Sheet Meeting Notes" Form (for every meeting keep updating this form for your references)
4. Eagle Advisers will ask you to explain the specific project or project ideas you may have. They will guide you and prompt you to think through the project idea to ensure you cover all aspects of the project planning
5. Eagle Advisers may also advise you to contact Eagle coaches for additional guidance on project plan.
At this stage, it is very important of know what qualifies as a Eagle Service Project and the purpose of doing a Project
An Eagle Service Project is a requirement for becoming an Eagle Scout.
The purpose of an Eagle Service Project is to "Demonstrate Leadership".
Here are some more guidelines to keep in mind when deciding on a Project idea:
- The Project MUST benefit community organization, other than the Boy Scouts
- The Project may NOT benefit a commercial business
- The Project may NOT be a fundraiser.
- The Project MUST be planned out and carried out by one scout and NOT as a joint project.
- The Project MUST be planned ahead as depending on project type, it may take up to six months to complete
- The Project planning can be begun immediately after passing Life BOR. However, any Project execution should NOT begin until you Troop Committee approves the project.
When your Eagle Guide/Advisers feel that the project planning is ready and appropriate, they will recommend you to prepare to present your Project to the Troop Committee for approval.
The Troop Committee consists of Troop Leaders and Troop parents. They will listen to your presentation (usually 10-15 minutes) and ask questions. They may also make recommendations that you should make note of make changes to the project planning documents, as needed.
The Committee Presentation date should be requested by contacting the Troop Committee Chair. (gro.396poort|riahc#gro.396poort|riahc)
Committee meetings are held on the second Tuesday of every month.
At the committee presentation, be prepared to do the following:
- Arrive on time (meaning arrive 5 minutes early)
- Arrive in full class A
- Introduce yourself (name, rank and purpose)
- Be loud, clear and have command in your voice when presenting
- Make some copies of the project details, which you can distribute, to the committee members
- If you plan to use projector, email your presentation to the Committee Chair in advance. Please stop by the library to test your laptop and their system before presentation day. Call the library first to see if the Skyline Room is available for testing
- Depending on your project, a model or a chart with pictures is always helpful
- Make your presentation short 5 minutes where you cover all the basis: why, where, benefits, budget, plan (no. of hours needed and manpower needed), how you will do fundraising, tools needed, etc.
- Then open the floor to answer questions. (Do not get overwhelmed with questions, note the adults there are just to guide and help you, and refine your project)
- Bring a notepad to take notes and suggestions/recommendations
If committee approves project, request signature of Committee chair and Scoutmaster on Pg. 10 of the Eagle Project Workbook
District Approval - Make sure all T’s are crossed and I’s dotted on Pg. 1- 10.
file tour permit online with parent help.
Make an appointment with the Troop District Eagle Guide to run through project with him and get final approval and his signature as well.
Upon District Approval - Call the Troop Committee Chair to secure a date for your project to take place.
You can start announcing your project now.
You can create a flyer to handout at meetings, send a copy of your flyer to the Troop Webmaster so they can post your project on our troop website and then send it email to the entire troop gro.396poort|srebmeM-396T#gro.396poort|srebmeM-396T with your flyer and permission slip attached as well.
Execute project.
Be sure to:
- Take before, during and after pictures
- Keep Sign in and Sign out sheet
- Make sure you have permission slip from every scout that is present for helping with the project
- Keep the tour permit and your Eagle Project Binder at the project execution site
The first thing you need to do is to complete your eagle project workbook in its entirety and get your beneficiary’s signature and troop adult signature (preferably who has seen both your project days) in your workbook. ALL NICELY TYPED except for required signatures
• Have a conversation with people you would like to have as a reference, hand the pre-addressed, pre-stamped envelops (as a courtesy for their service) ahead of time with a sticky note that reminds them to put it in the mail only after you call them to do so. (The reason for this is district Eagle chair does not like to receive the recommendation forms too ahead of time). Also on the bottom left corner of the front of the envelop write out the following words "Re: Scout Name- T693".
• Next complete the eagle application,d.cGU and gather all required documents for the same. Use the Eagle Application checklist as guide
ALL NICELY TYPED except for required signatures
• Once you have completed the above you need to meet with Eagle adviser for an eagle binder check.
Order of Eagle Binder:
1) Eagle Application Checklist inside front pocket of binder.
2) Eagle application completed.
3) MB Cards (Must have extra prior to rank advancement)
4) Life Ambitions and Position held (separate page in a listed format)
5) Project Info sheet
6) Before and after pictures of project
7) Rank Advancement Report
8) Rank Advancement Form (3 part carbon copy)
9) Project Workbook
10) Tour Permit
11) Flyers, Sign-in sheets, drawings, paperwork, costs etc.
Scoutmaster Conference/Troop Eagle BOR
• You can then have your Scoutmaster Conference for Eagle Rank with Scout Master - Get two signatures Handbook and on Application
• Once you have passed this you can request a troop Eagle BOR with troop's advancement chair (gro.396poort|tnemecnavda#gro.396poort|tnemecnavda). Take your time to formulate answers so that you can answer questions concisely. Follow troop etiquette. You can get the committee chairs signature in your eagle application at this meeting.
• Contact References and have them send out letter of recommendation appraisals over to district Eagle Chair. (contact information will be provided by troop Eagle Guides)
• Make Copies of everything that cannot be reproduced. You will be handing over your binder to district Eagle Chair
District Advancement Chair
• On successfully completing your troop eagle board, you can meet with the district Eagle Chair (contact information will be provided by troop Eagle Guides) to turn in your eagle application, project workbook, blue cards and scout handbook.
• If district eagle chair is happy with your application and everything is in place, he/she will arrange for a district Character Eagle Board for you. (Occurs 2nd Thursday of each month) At this point you just wait for him to let you know when that will be. It could be a week to a few months before you get your appointment (this BOR with the district can happen after you turn 18 also).
• Contact friendly face (no family, scoutmaster, or ASM) and scoutmaster, best to choose a friendly faces that is someone who is familiar with your scouting career, and scout master to make them aware that you will email them soon once an opening comes up for District Eagle Character Board.
Date of District Character Board
1) Introduce yourself, mom, dad, family and friendly face.
2) Lead flag salute
3) Board will interview scoutmaster (~10 min)
4) Family interview (~15 min)
5) Scout interview (~10-20 min)
• Allow at least 2 months after character board of review for National Headquarters to process your application
• Once you have received notification of your eagle rank from the Council National Headquarters, you and your family may begin planning for your Eagle Court of Honor.
• Print out Frontier District Advancement Committee Eagle Court of Honors Guidelines at:
• Contact Cerritos City council to receive City of Cerritos proclamation Award of Honors.
• To honor the Eagle Candidate
• To charge the Eagle Candidate with his new responsibilities as an Eagle Scout
• To encourage young boys to join a Boy Scout troop
• To inspire other Scouts to continue their advancement along the Eagle Scout trial.