Long Term Bike Ride - August 2009

Start Date: August 22, 2009 7:00 AM
End Date: August 27, 2009 7:30 PM
Meeting Point for Drop-off and Pickup: Carmenita Middle School
Route: San Simeon - Morro Bay - Pismo Beach - VAFB - Gaviota - Santa Barbara
Forms Needed: Troop 693 Permission Slip
Coordinator: Alok Sancheti, Larry Stern
Cost: $175 per scout
Last Date to Signup: May 4th, 2009
Things to bring: Cycling Long Term Checklist
Training Rides: Training Bike Rides - 2009

Bike Route

Click on bike route link above to see turn-by-turn directions.

Day Date Weekday Time Activity Campsite Distance Time (with breaks)
1 Aug 22 Saturday 8:00 AM Leave from Carmenita Middle School
12:01 PM Arrive at San Simeon San Simeon State Park 6 hrs
4:00 PM Visit Hearst Castle 3 hrs
2 Aug 23 Sunday 10:30 AM Bike to Morro Bay Morro Bay State Park 26 2.5 hrs
3 Aug 24 Monday 10:30 AM Bike to Pismo Beach Pismo Beach State Park 27 2.5 hrs
4 Aug 25 Tuesday 10:00 AM Bike to Vandenberg Air Force Base Vandenberg AFB 37 4 hrs
5 Aug 26 Wednesday 9:30 AM Bike to Gaviota State Park Gaviota State Park 41 6.5 hrs
6 Aug 27 Thursday 10:00 AM Bike to Santa Barbara 33 4 hrs
5:00 PM Arrive at Carmenita Middle School 3 hrs


Total Distance 164 miles
Total Saddle Time 14.0 hrs
Total Time (with breaks) 19.5 hrs
Average Speed 11.5 mph
Maximum Speed 43 mph

16 miles to 160 miles


Cerritos - San Simeon

7:00 AM: Scouts gathered at CMS to leave for the exciting ride. Loading all the gear, personal belongings and bicycles in 4 cars was the first challenge in itself. At one point we were thinking that we will not be able to load all the stuff in the limited number of cars; but in the end it all got stuffed in and off we started our drive to San Simeon.

12:00 PM: With the minute planning of Larry we arrived at Santa Rosa Park, just in time for our 45 minute lunch break.

2:00 PM: Arrived at San Simeon State Park and quickly unloaded bikes and some gear.

3:00 PM: Watched the 45-minute ‘Building the Dreams’ documentary on Hearst Castle at IMAX. This was followed by a 90-minute experience tour of the Hearst Castle.

6:00 PM: Arrived back at the campsite and unloaded other stuff, followed by a dinner.

San Simeon – Morro Bay

7:00 AM: Wake up, have breakfast; get ready for the first ride.

10:30 AM: “Rolling…” said Mr. Stern and off we started our ride on southbound PCH. After riding about half a mile on PCH, we took a right turn deviation on Moonstone Park Drive to ride next to the beach, which joins the PCH again. After riding 10~ miles we regrouped at Harmony.

12:01 PM: After riding for 26 miles we arrived at our first destination at Morro Bay. This was a group campsite and the best campsite one. After having lunch, the drivers took off to get their cars back while scouts played around.

4:00 PM: Few scouts spent time at the beach, followed by nice warm showers.

5:30 PM: Dinner, followed by home made brownies by Mrs. Stern.

Morrow Bay - Pismo Beach

7:00 AM: Wake up, have breakfast; get ready for the ride.

10:30 AM: Start our ride to Morro Bay on southbound South Bay Blvd. Took a small deviation to the right on Turri Road; this had our first uphill followed by a long stretch of downhill. This ride was my best ride. We took a restroom break at San Luis Obispo Country Club after 18 miles of ride.

12:01 PM: After riding for 27 miles we arrived at Pismo Beach. After having lunch, the drivers took off to get their cars back while scouts played around.

4:00 PM: Few scouts spent time at the beach, followed by nice warm showers.

5:30 PM: Dinner, followed by an attempt to have a campfire.

Pismo Beach - VAFB

7:00 AM: Wake up, have breakfast; get ready for the ride.

10:00 AM: We started our first challenging ride to Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB). The ride had lot of uphill. We passed through some beautiful flower plantation. As we turned each pedal, thought that we will not be able to make to the next one; but the sheer determination kept us going. After couple of breaks we were rolling again, through the heat and treacherous climbs of PCH.

2:00 PM: We were welcomed by Mr. Ray Wise a scoutmaster at VAFB. He was courteous to come back later in the evening with his boys scout son and spend the evening with us.

VAFB - Gaviota

6:00 AM: Wake up, have breakfast; get ready for the ride.

10:00 AM: This was perhaps the most strenuous day of all; it started with a strenuous uphill. The weather was hot and of the 41 mile we did on that day 20 miles was uphill. Mr. Nish joined us

2:00 PM: Tired and hungry it was decided to take the lunch break on roadside under a tree. As Mr. Stern rolled his bike from the bushes, shhh.. went his tube and he had flat. The reward came with the last stretch of 2 miles downhill, where we clinched to our brakes to control the speed; followed by out first ride on freeway 101.

4:00 PM: We arrive at Gaviota State Beach, the campsite was the smallest of all. Some boys went with Mr. Nish to ride another 9 miles, so that they could complete there merit badge requirement of 50 miles; while others relaxed.

7:00 PM: Dinner, followed by a campfire.

Gaviota - Santa Barbara

6:00 AM: Wake up, have breakfast; get ready for the ride.

10:00 AM: This was an easy ride on freeway 101, but the weather was hot. Ms. Sadras rode with us for the whole 33 miles.

1:00 PM: Arrived at our final destination at Santa Barbara. We were rewarded with a treat at Subway.

5:00 PM: Loaded our cars for the ride back to CPE. As we rode back some slept while others talked about their experiences; their climbs and downhill. We had made memories of lifetime.

7:30 PM: Arrived at CPE. Unloaded and headed back to our home, where all looked so clean and arranged, but our legs still wanted to cycle more. Sleeping in our beds and driving in our took some mental adjustments.


No. Scout T-shirt
1 Scout-Ansh Sancheti 2-S
2 Scout-Byron Chien 2-S
3 Scout-Cristian Preciado 3-S
4 Scout-Andrew Johnson 2-M
5 Scout-Nitin Sadras 2-S
6 Scout-Vignesh Sadras 2-S
7 Scout-Curtis Cha 2-M
8 Scout-Joseph Moon 2-L
9 Scout-Brian Chen 2-S
No. Adults T-shirt
1 Alok Sancheti 2-L
2 Larry Stern 2-XL
3 Gordon Davis 2-XL
4 Ed Johnson 2-XL
5 Bill Chen 2-M
6 Maha Sadras 1-S
7 Glenn Nishibayashi 1-M


Day Date Breakfast Lunch Dinner Notes
1 Aug 22
Sack Lunch
Spinach Ravioli
Lunch at Santa Rosa Park, San Luis Obispo
2 Aug 23
Scrabmled Eggs
Orange Juice
Cold cut Sandwich
Veggie Sandwich
Veggie Patty Burgers
3 Aug 24
Subway Sandwich
Baby Carrots + Ranch
Hot Dogs
Veggie Dogs
Ice cream
4 Aug 25
Oat Milk
Tuna Sandwich
Cole Slaw Sanwich
Cheese + Crackers
Rice + Lentils
French Bread
5 Aug 26
Peanut Butter Sandwich
Salsa Chips
Cheese Quesadilla
Lunch on the road under a tree
6 Aug 27
at Subway Restaurant


Get ready for an exciting bike trip along the pacific coast from San Simeon to Santa Barbara. This will be a great trip, which you will remember for years to come, riding 150 miles!!!

  • We will be riding short distances each day and camp overnight at different campsites along the way.
  • Most of the campsites are next to the beach so you will get to have fun at the beach.
  • From CMS we will depart in cars and the bikes will be loaded on a trailer, arriving at San Simeon.
  • After setting up the tent and eating lunch, we will take a guided tour to Hearst Castle.
  • Camp at San Simeon State Park and get on our bikes and ride to Morro Bay.
  • Along the way we will be followed by a chase car, which will have emergency supplies etc.

Training Rides

  • The ride may look long, but we will prepare the scouts for the ride with lot of training rides with the first one on January 10th.
  • Training rides will complete some of the requirements for Bicycle Merit Badge.
  • Training ride schedule can be found at Training Bike Rides - 2009.
  • Even scouts who do not plan to go for long term bike ride, are welcome on the training rides.


  • Please read How to Buy a Bike before buying a bike
  • For this ride bring whichever bike you currently have
  • If you plan to buy a new bike. Buy one, which has gears, so BMX bikes will not work. Please speak with Ed Johnson so that he can suggest the size / fit best for you.
  • For the long-term bike ride, we will use bikes with smooth tires (with or without grooves). They are much easier to peddle than having wide knobby tires that the boys probably have now. The knobby tires will be OK for the first few short rides.
  • If you currently own a mountain bike (the bike where tires have grooves), do not worry we will be converting the tires. You do not have to buy a new bike just for this reason.
  • Bring helmets and gloves, you will NOT BE ALLOWED to ride without a helmet or gloves.
  • Patch kit, pumps will be needed for longer rides; for the training rides you do not need them.
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