Log Cabin Training - 2014

The 1st Training Hiking

Start Date: Sunday, May 18, 2014 6:00AM
End Date: Sunday, May 18, 2014 6:00PM
Meeting Point for Drop-off and Pickup: Carmenita Jr. High School
Location: Mt. Baden Powell

Forms Needed: Permission Slip
Coordinator: Frances Gorospe
Cost: Free

If you are participating, please MUST sign up !!
<<Click here to sign up on-line >>

What to bring: BACKPACK with minimum of 30 pounds, 2 Nalgenes puls a 2 gal soda bottle filled w/water, SACK LUNCH & snacks for hike.
What to wear: HIKING BOOTS with 2 pair of socks (outer and liner), layers for heat, Full-brimmed hat. Sunscreen, sunglasses recommended.
Direction: To get to Vincent Gap, the quickest way (not shortest) is via I-15 to Wrightwood, and it would take about 1hr 40min from CMS.

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The 2nd Training Hiking

Start Date: Saturday, May 31, 2014
End Date: Saturday, May 31, 2014
Meeting Point for Drop-off and Pickup: Carmenita Jr. High School
Location: Mt .Lowe Railway Trail in Altadena

Forms Needed: Permission Slip
Coordinator: Frances Gorospe
Cost: Free

If you are participating, please MUST sign up !!
<<Click here to sign up on-line >>

What to bring: BACKPACK with minimum of 30 pounds, 2 Nalgenes puls a 2 gal soda bottle filled w/water, SACK LUNCH & snacks for hike.
What to wear: HIKING BOOTS with 2 pair of socks (outer and liner), layers for heat, Full-brimmed hat. Sunscreen, sunglasses recommended.
Direction: Mt Lowe Railway Trail. The trail is fairly low in altitude, but it is long for a day hike. It's about 10-11 miles R/T.

The trail starts at corner of Lake Ave/Loma Alta Dr in Altadena (~1800').
Follow Sam Merrill Trail to the Echo Mountain Resort Ruin.
Double back ~1/4 mile and continue up the Sam Merrill Trail to Mt Lowe Campground for water & bathroom.
Double back (~1/2 mile) to the Inspiration Point (~4523')
Follow the Castle Canyon down to Echo Mountain, then back down to the trailhead via Sam Merrill Trail.

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The 3rd Training Hiking

Start Date: Saturday, July 5, 2014 6:00am
End Date: Sunday, July 6, 2014 6:00pm
Meeting Point for Drop-off and Pickup: Carmenita Jr. High School
Location: "Big Santa Anita Loop"

Forms Needed: Permission Slip
Coordinator: Frances Gorospe
Cost: Free

If you are participating, please MUST sign up !!
<<Click here to sign up on-line >>

What to bring: BACKPACK with minimum of 30 pounds, 2 Nalgenes puls a 2 gal soda bottle filled w/water, SACK LUNCH & snacks for hike.
and Camping Checklist
What to wear: HIKING BOOTS with 2 pair of socks (outer and liner), layers for heat, Full-brimmed hat. Sunscreen, sunglasses recommended.
Direction: Big Santa Anita loop. Camp over at Spruce Grove. Visit/rest stop at Sturtevant Falls on the way back out to the parking lot.

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