According to Wikipedia, the world largest wiki site:
A Wiki ([ˈwiː.kiː] <wee-kee> or [ˈwɪ.kiː] <wick-ey>) is a type of website that allows users to add, remove, or otherwise edit and change most content very quickly and easily.
This website is hosted by network. In summary this technology allows multiple people to edit the documents without any computer background, based on permission and allows everybody to view the documents. All registered users can edit and create pages. This site is meant for parents and scouts of Troop 693 and only they will be allowed access to manage pages.
Table of Contents
How to use this site?
- The website's home page is If you do not want to remember the url, simply type in 'Troop 693' in any of the search sites.
- To look for upcoming and past events click on Calendar on the top or left bar.
- Page tags on the left side allow to categorize pages e.g. clicking on 'checklist' will bring all the different checklists.
- Some of the commonly used page tags are:
- Checklist: Various checkilists.
- Rank: Various scout ranks and advancement guidelines.
- Outigs: Outings for each year.
- Committee-meet: Committee meeting minutes.
- New-scout: Links for new scouts and parents and other useful resources.
- To search within the site type a few keywords in the search box on the top right hand corner.
- To print a page DO NOT click on the print button of your browser, instead click on the 'print' button on the bootm of the page, then print.
- Every page has a comment link at the bottom, feel free to add comments to a page.
- Editing of the pages is restrcted to the members, if you are part of Troop 693, contact the webmaster to get access to edit pages.
Why did we choose Wiki?
Ours is diverse group of about 70 scouts. Different people have different documents to maintain, but other people should be view or edit those documents. Hence if 1 person creates a Word document, only way he could share it with the group was by email. That means if the document changes later on he had to email it again. Or if there were revisions being done by 2-3 people the emails would be flying all over the place. Of-course traditional photocopying technique would had been a nightmare.
We could have used traditional html pages; but that meant, people should have had some prior computer knowledge to edit html documents. Or buy a web page creation software like Front Page. Using Wiki, anybody could edit the pages, without a need of buying any software or computer knowledge. And above all entire workload of maintaining the website would fall on the webmaster.
In traditional HTML editing, if the person messed up the web page, without doing a manual backup, all the previous changes would be lost. Built-in feature of document history came in very handy for us.
Features of
Some the features that you would love with this wiki site include:
- You do not have to remember the URL to go to a particular page, just put in a few keywords in the search box and select the page from the result.
- Access to edit documents can be give to selected users.
- Easy syntax to do bold, italic table etc., read more on how to edit pages.
- Page Tags allow to conveniently group similar pages together. The size of the tag tells how many pages have this tag.
- Want to stay in touch with what is changing on the site, subscribe to the rss feed.
We are excited to bring this new wiki technology to you, feel free email your comments to the Troop webmaster.