Becoming an Eagle Scout is a tremendous accomplishment - it is the highest achievement one can earn as a Boy Scout. It is an achievement attained only by a very small percentage of those young men who have participated in the Boy Scout program; only 2-4% of boys who join Scouting ever achieve the rank of Eagle Scout.
While it does look good on a resume or college application, achieving the rank of Eagle Scout is much more about the journey than simply earning the patch. Along the path to becoming an Eagle Scout, a young man will learn valuable, practical skills - camping, hiking, swimming, first aid, knots, cooking, etc. He will also develop leadership skills and learn how to work as a member of a team. He will learn and appreciate the value of giving back to his community; being a good citizen.
After reaching the rank of Eagle Scout, a young man can continue to earn Eagle Palms by earning additional merit badges and staying active in the Troop.
He can also continue to lead and guide the troop or he can change his focus to helping Cub Scouts become Boy Scouts. He may become a Junior Assistant Scoutmaster, helping the Scoutmaster with projects to improve the troop. Or, he can look for worthwhile endeavors outside of scouting to which he can apply his scouting background.
Whats Involved
Eagle scout is the highest level that can be achieved as boy scouts. A scout becomes an Eagle Scout after achieving the following Scout Ranks in order:
Here are some useful links:
- How to Become an Eagle Scout
- Eagle Scout Information Home Page
- Eagle Scout Resource Center
- Life to Eagle
- Be active in your troop, team, crew, or ship for a period of at least six months after you have achieved the rank of Life Scout.
- Demonstrate that you live by the principles of the Scout Oath and Law in your daily life. List the names of individuals who know you personally and would be willing to provide a recommendation on your behalf, including parents/guardians, religious, educational, and employer references.
- Earn a total of 21 merit badges (10 more than you already have), including the following:
- First Aid
- Citizenship in the Community
- Citizenship in the Nation
- Citizenship in the World
- Communications
- Personal Fitness
- Emergency Preparedness OR Lifesaving. (You must choose only one of these two merit badges. If you have earned more than one of the badges listed, choose one and list the remaining badge to make your total of 21.)
- Environmental Science
- Personal Management
- Swimming OR Hiking OR Cycling (You must choose only one of these three merit badges. If you have earned more than one of the badges listed, choose one and list the remaining badges to make your total of 21.)
- Camping
- Family Life
- Cooking (Required as of January 1, 2014)
- While a Life Scout, serve actively for a period of 6 months in one or more of the following leadership positions. See Scout Leadership for available positions.
- While a Life Scout, plan, develop, and give leadership to others in a service project helpful to any religious institution, any school, or your community. (The project should benefit an organization other than Boy Scouting.) The project plan must be approved by the organization benefiting from the effort, your Scoutmaster and troop committee, and the council or district before you start. You must use the Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project Workbook, BSA publication No. 18-927B, in meeting this requirement.
- Take part in a Scoutmaster Conference.
- Successfully complete an Board of Review
View this flowchart to better prepare you for the final steps FinalStepsAlongThePathToEagle.pdf
Note: All requirements for Eagle Scout must be completed before the candidate's 18th birthday. The Eagle Scout board of review can be held after the candidate's 18th birthday.
Scout Spirit
- Do you participate actively in all troop activities?
- Do all the adults and Scouts treat you almost as if you were another Scoutmaster?
- Are you involved in your school and community as a leader?
- Do you also meet the requirements for Life, Star, First Class and Second Class?
Life to Eagle Board of Review
Life to Eagle Board of Review is done before a scout presents his Eagle Project to the Troop 693 Committee for approval.
Why have this Board of Review? To insure that a Scout is a member in good standing in the Troop and a viable candidate for Eagle Scout prior to them proceeding with their Eagle Project or completing any other Eagle Scout requirements.
What would occur at this Board of Review? At this Board of Review we would review with the Scout his character and his Scout spirit. If, in the opinion of the Board, the Scout is not fulfilling those requirements, guide and counsel him…providing him with specific things he must do or behaviors he must exhibit in order to receive the endorsement of Troop 693 as a candidate for Eagle Scout.
Eagle Character Board
- Make an appointment and give your completed Eagle Application, Project workbook and all relevant paperwork to Frontier District Advancement Chair after you receive approval from Troop Eagle Advisor.
- He will spend about ½ hour with your file checking the dates etc.
- Make sure your recommendation letters are sent directly to advancement chair by your references around the time of your appointment with him.
- If everything looks ok, he will put you in the pipeline for Frontier District Eagle Character Board for 2nd Thursday of the month. Depending upon the number of people you may expect to receive a call in the next few weeks to month. After summer and before college applications are busy times.
- Let your friendly face and scoutmaster know that you have submitted the application and ask them to keep their 2nd Thursdays available. As soon as you receive a confirmation from Mr.Joe please inform your friendly face and scoutmaster right away.
On the Day
about 45 minutes total
- Board comprises of board coordinator +2 members from community + friendly face (cannot be from family, recommended from Troop – should not be an ASM)
- All parties(Scoutmaster, Scout, Scout Family Members) go in front of the board. Scoutmaster introduces the scout
- Scout introduces his guests
- Scout leads flag ceremony
- 5-10 minutes: Board meets with scoutmaster ONLY
- 5-10 minutes: Board meets with the family (no scoutmaster, no scout)
- 15-20 minutes: Board meets with the scout (no scoutmaster, no family)
- Board brings everyone in again, and announces the result
- Take a camera
- Dress in full Class A with all current patches. Look sharp (pressed uniform, etc.)
- Make sure you take your scout handbook (make sure it is signed if you are approved by the board)
- Result is out immediately (but not confirmed till National confirms (usually about 4 to 6 weeks), then the date of Eagle is the date of Character Board)
- Has to be an unanimous decision (1 person can reject an eagle scout)
- Attire for Family and Friendly Face: Formal or Semi-Formal wear. No uniforms please.
Eagle Court of Honor
See About Eagle Court of Honor
Our Eagle Scouts
This is our Salute to those Scouts of Troop 693, who have achieved the highest level of Scouting and through their example, they have encouraged other scouts in the troop to follow in their footsteps.
Year 2019 - 2010
- (120) Jeffrey Yoh (August 23, 2017)
- (119) Andrew Cheng (August 23, 2017)
- (118) Christopher Gong (May 11,2017)
- (117) Brian He (February 23, 2017)
- (116) Dylan Sun (January 12, 2017)
- (115) Michael Cho (November 10, 2016)
- (114) Isaac Szu (November 10, 2016)
- (113) Edward Kim (October 13, 2016)
- (112) Victor Phong (October 13, 2016)
- (111) Thisara Gunawardana (September 8, 2016)
- (110) Justin Kadi (August 11, 2016)
- (109) Siddarth Mannava (August 11, 2016)
- (108) Samuel Cho (Jan 14, 2016)
- (107) Alan Jahic (Mar 12, 2015)
- (106) Benjamin Domae (Mar 12, 2015)
- (105) Gerardo V. Gorospe (Dec 18, 2014)
- (104) Prithvi Chauhan (Dec 18, 2014)
- (103) Cristian Preciado (Oct 9, 2014)
- (102) Gabriel Black (Aug 21, 2014)
- (101) Patrick De La Fuente (Aug 21, 2014)
- (100) Lawrence Dang (Aug 21, 2014)
- (99) Rickey Gilliland (May 8, 2014)
- (98) Mitchell Hoang (Mar 13, 2014)
- (97) Byron Chien (Dec 27, 2013)
- (96) Curtis Cha (Dec 16, 2013)
- (95) Edward Yi (Dec 16, 2013)
- (94) Brian Chen (Dec 13, 2013)
- (93) Lancelot Chu (Dec 13, 2013)
- (92) Ian Reyes (Nov 14, 2013)
- (91) Edward Shin (Oct 7, 2013)
- (90) Kevin Chang (Jun 13, 2013)
- (89) Edward Hsiang (Jun 13, 2013)
- (88) Jonathan Chen (Mar 14, 2013)
- (87) Victor Peer (Dec 13, 2012)
- (86) Brandon Hojo (Dec 13, 2012)
- (85) Ansh Sancheti (Dec 13, 2012)
- (84) Vignesh Sadras (Nov 8, 2012)
- (83) Eric Pranadjaja (Aug 9, 2012)
- (82) Andrew Choi (Jun 14, 2012)
- (81) Victor Dang (Feb 9, 2012)
- (80) Brian Hsiang (Jan 12, 2012)
- (79) Mark Chern (Nov 10, 2011)
- (78) Matthew Chern (Oct 13, 2011)
- (77) Jeffery Tai (Sept 9, 2011)
- (76) Kent Chen (Sept 9, 2011)
- (75) Nitin Sadras (May 12, 2011)
- (74) Keith Banuelos (April 15, 2011)
- (73) Roland Gomez (March 10, 2011)
- (72) Justin Wiguna (September 8, 2010)
- (71) Kendall Nishibayashi (September 8, 2010)
- (70) Joseph Moon (May 12, 2010)
- (69) Adam Wilson (February 10, 2010)
Year 2009 - 2000
- (68) Caesar Gomez (December 9, 2009)
- (67) Leo Kim (June 10, 2009)
- (66) Eric Banuelos (February 11, 2009)
- (65) Stephen Lee (February 11, 2009)
- (64) Austin Chang (December 10, 2008)
- (63) Andrew Park (October 8, 2008)
- (62) Justin Wang (October 8, 2008)
- (61) Kyle Shimoda (May 14, 2008)
- (60) Ryan Matsushima (May 14, 2008
- (59) Garrett Nishibayashi (April 9, 2008)
- (58) Alvin Fukumori (March 12, 2008)
- (57) Branden Pirkl (January 9, 2008)
- (56) Evan Nagayama (January 9, 2008)
- (55) Bruce Shiao (November 14, 2007)
- (54) Jason Wiguna (August 15, 2007)
- (53) Derek Yi (January 10, 2007)
- (52) Ben Trieu (December 13, 2006)
- (51) William Chang (2006)
- (50) Michael Trieu (2006)
- (49) Rajan Davis (2006)
- (48) Jonathan Nagayama (October 11, 2006)
- (47) Richard Luu (March 8, 2006)
- (46) Adam Peabody (April 12, 2006)
- (45) Eric Lee (March 8, 2006)
- (44) Harrison Lee (October 12, 2005)
- (43) Sherwin Shiao (July, 13, 2005)
- (42) Justin Huang (December 15, 2004)
- (41) Tyler Peabody (November 30, 2004)
- (40) Kyle Peabody (June 24, 2004)
- (39) Jon Florida (April 29, 2004)
- (38) Duckyoung (David) Lee (January 17, 2004)
- (37) Justin Tsai (October 29, 2003)
- (36) Ryan Stern (May 28, 2003)
- (35) Kevin Hughes (November 20, 2002)
- (34) Ryan Peabody (October 2, 2002)
- (33) Benjamin De La Torre (October 2, 2002)
- (32) Jeffrey Wyman (July 23, 2002)
- (31) Jonathan Elmgreen (January 30, 2002)
- (30) Sean Tsai (January 20, 2002)
- (29) Michael De La Torre (October 25, 2000)
Year 1999 - 1990
- (28) Jared Ackley (May 26, 1999)
- (27) Mathew Shelbourn (May 26, 1999)
- (26) Adam Van Scoy (March 30, 1999)
- (25) Manish Champaneria (April 4, 1998)
- (24) Michael Sooter (April 4, 1998)
- (23) Robert Baird (June 14, 1997)
- (22) Todd Johnson (June 14, 1997)
- (21) Donald Klein (May 28, 1997)
- (20) Randy Garcia (December 23, 1996)
- (19) Christopher Wolfe (June 23, 1996)
- (18) Kurt Stoops (May 22, 1996)
- (17) Edward Finnegan (April 27, 1996)
- (16) Thomas Filippone (November 1995)
- (15) Adam Johnson (May 11, 1994)
- (14) Robert Wyman (June 13, 1993)
- (13) Jose Luis Perez (January 25, 1993)
- (12) Paul Rack (December 16, 1992)
- (11) Anthony Filippone (November 20, 1991)
- (10) James Finnegan (October 16, 1991)
Year 1989 - 1980
- (9) Michael Rack (December 27, 1989)
- (8) Michael Gerard (July 19, 1989)
- (7) David Molinar (April 19, 1989)
- (6) Christopher Hopkins (September 23, 1986)
- (5) James Sampsel (March 11, 1986)
- (4) Eric Stevens (December 10, 1985)
- (3) Donald Sharp (November 8, 1983)
- (2) Peter Mascarenas (September 14, 1982)
- (1) Scott Hawkins (February 9, 1982)
Scout Spirit adapted from Hatboro Troop 81 website.