DVD - CD - Book Drive - 2009

Jan 28th, 2009

Thank you for participating Mr. Aune,

On behalf of my Soldiers. Thank you for the CDs, Books and DVD. It was a real morale booster for everyone. By the way, My First Sergeant is an Eagle Scout from San Francisco.

Pacific Peacemaker,

Jose A. Reyes
HHC Commander 445th,CA BN

Jan 12th, 2009

Thank you for participating in the DVD/CD/BOOK Drive. With your support, we collected 51 dvds, 31 books, and 15 cds. All in all, I mailed out 4 large flat rate boxes to Iraq (today). I expect the shipment to arrive arrive in 7-10 days. I am certain that it will give the men/women a good start to an "entertainment library".

Once again, thank you for your support!


Jan 1st, 2009

We will be collecting old new DVD / CD / Book for the soldiers in Iraq. Please bring them to the upcoming troop meetings.

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