Committee Meeting - July 2008

Date: Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Location: Glenn's House
Chaired by: Glenn Nishibayashi
Total present: 22

Committee Chair

Peter Prana (sub- Glenn Nishibayashi)

Scoutmaster’s Report

Eric Aune

Treasurer Report

Mi Kyong Choi

  • Ending cash balance (Details on file).

Quartermaster Report

Floyd Wilson

  • Items are being returned in an orderly fashion.
  • If you have any items from the Surfing Trip - June 2008 in your possession, please return them to Floyd immediately so that the troop can have a complete count on on gear.

Registration Report

William Chen

  • 1 card was found missing, however William is working on resubmitting form for that parent.
  • All 8 new scouts and parents registration for Troop 693 are completed. Most of the scouts have updated cards. See William Chen if you have not received them yet.
  • The Quality Centenial Unit patch will be picked up and distributed soon.

Eagle Guide

Glenn Nishibayashi

  • City of Cerritos presented 9 scouts awards on their earnings of the Eagle rank in Boy Scouts. Alok has posted a link on the troop website if you are interested in viewing the presentation and distribution of these awards. Also there is a link to the Cerritos Community News Paper which recognizes our scouts for their great accomplishments. Congratulation to all the scouts who earned the Eagle rank and the parents that supported them.
  • In process we have 2 more eagle rank advancements to come (Andrew Park and Justin Wiguna)
  • 3 Court of Honor Ceremonies listed on the Troop Calendar (8/24/08, 8/30/08 and 11/3/08); Eagle Court of Honor - August 2008, Eagle Court of Honor - November 2008
  • Glenn has a breakdown of the subsidy budget for activities and events schedule for this upcoming year.
  • 2007 2008 Pro Forma Budget.xls for 2008 with outing subsidies was discussed and is available on file.

Trail to 1st Class

Maja Sadras

  • 30 day Tenderfoot Fitness requirement will be held during Mondays Troop Meeting at Sunshine Park on 7/21/08 and 8/18/08.

Advancement Report

Maria Gomez, Susan, Nancy

  • Summer Camp - July 2008 is going to be at Los Valley this year on 7/13/08-7/19/08.
  • Database has been updated, be sure you read new requirements for first and second class.
  • Scouts who are attending summer camp, be sure you have most current edition of Merit Badge book. Raul the scout librarian is in the process of updating material in our scout library. He will keep an update list of counselors on file as well.
  • If you are interested in becoming a Merit badge counselor, there is a online process noting what qualifications are required.

Webmaster’s Report

Alok Sancheti

  • Website Orientation on usage of the troop website available.
  • Email Alok any other data, you would like to see posted on website for availabity. Alok is willing to train adults to post information for events and outings themselves.
  • Also send any updated info to alok which you would like to see on Calendar-2008
  • Discussion regarding making revenue through posting Ads on the Troop website. Alok will be gathering more information to bring to the next committee meeting.

Event Updates

Sang Park

  • Please see below Medicals that have or are expiring soon.
  • Remember Medicals (Class 3) for adults registered in troop are required if you are participating on High Adventure Outing. No exceptions.

Community Relations

Jeanne Cha

  • Next service project is at Second Harvest Farming in Irvine. Approximately 30 volunteers are needed.
  • Looking for ideas for community service projects. Any ideas let Jeanne Cha know so that she can look into it.

Adult Training

Eric Stiegler

Discussion Items and Other Business:

Eagle Projects

Long Term Outings Planned

  • Mammoth Caverns (2008)
  • Cherry Valley (2009)
  • Camp Witsett (2010)
  • Emerald Bay (2011)
  • Check out new Calendar - 2008 for updated events. Coordinators are collecting information and will have flyers available with information in prepartation of each outing.

Upcoming Outings

Date Event/Outing Coordinator Notes
Jun 21-22 Surfing Trip - June 2008 Brian Johnson Suggestion was made regarding the visitation of the campsite prior to the date of actual outing. Outing coordinator should be familiar with conditions of the campsite and inspect the in and out of all routes taken by scouts and coordinators.
June 30- July 4 Fundraising - 2008 Anyi Chang No updates available
Jul 13-19 Summer Camp - July 2008 Maria Gomez 40 scouts and 6 parents will be attending. We will be leaving at 8:00 am from CPE. Bring your bike with off road tires along with your required helmet. Check out website equipment list of what to bring. Additional drivers needed. A climbing instructor course will be available for adults at summer camp.
August 10-16 Whitewater And Caving Trip - August 2008 Carol Hojo 17 boys and 4 adults attending. A meeting will be scheduled after summer camp regarding what to bring for example disposable clothing
Sept 6 Planning Meeting - 2008 Eric Aune Picnic at the park: Parents if you have any new ideas to plant in the boys heads, please do so
Sept 12-14 Saltwater Canoe / Kayak Trip, Mission Bay, San Diego (Fiesta Island) - September 2008 Richard Gilliland 35 spots for attendance of this activity. Approximately $ 22.00 per scout. 15 Cayaks, 20 Canoes and 2 motorboats. Scouts can receive the old salty rat award too. Look out for flyers and sign ups at the next troop meeting on 7/21/08
Sept 15 Mandatory Parent Meeting - 2008 Committee Chair Discussion about scheduling the dates and coordinators for outings planned.
Oct 11-12 Rock Climbing - October 2008 Jay Shin Website has been updated with latest info. Jay will be checking with Joshua Tree Campsites instructors to see if they can accommodate us with an extra day of indoor merit badge requirements. Also Jay will be checking with climax for the possibility of completing the indoor merit badge requirement proior to going to Joshua Tree
Nov 1, 8 Scouting for Food - November 2008 ??
Nov 15-16 Backpacking Trip - November 2008 Michael Chern (5 mile hike) Michael will be checking out site on Saturday 7/26/08 if anyone is interested in joining him for the day.

Discussion Items

  1. Ad Hoc Committee for leadership nomination will be added and voted on 8/08/08. Please view the new proposed Adult Leadership prior to the meeting.
  2. Adult Backpacking Trip - September 2008 Training session September 20, 2008 at Glenns house (Glenn/Larry)
  3. Adult Backpacking Trip - September 2008 Overnight Adult backpacking trip September 27 and 28th. Sign up with Glenn or Larry.
  4. Spirit of Eagle Award for Joyson Szu approved by the committee.
  5. Philmont 2009 - Sounds like its a go. Next segment of $270 due. 3 Day course available for parents in November. Looking for 1 more adult to be trained on hands on wilderness first aid. Inquire with Ed.
  6. Updates on the Memorial Flagpole in memory of Loring Hughes: Cost will be approximately $1800 + installation + cost of plaque. Will be going to the commission of Parks and Recreation on 8/07/08 for adults who are interested in attending, then will go for council for approval.
  7. Troop Rank Advancement- Scout Spirit was discussed. Just a reminder to all the boys in the Troop that your attendance on activities is not enough, you must show participation of character, engagement with other, and be living the scout law/oath at all times. We must show growth in leadership skills and become role models for the younger scouts beginning their Trail to Eagle. ONLINE EXAMPLES REGARDING SCOUT SPIRIT can be found at Scoutmaster Conference, Scout Spirit AND AT EACH OF THE RANK PAGES. SCOUTS NEED TO TAKE TIME TO READ OVER THEM.

Medical Forms

Medical forms for the following scouts need to be updated:

Scout Expired On
Scout-Rafael Moran 05/10/2008
Scout-Breik Tameem 05/10/2008
Scout-Bryan Hofmann 05/14/2008
Scout-Branden Pirkl 05/14/2008
Scout-Jason Wiguna 06/08/2008
Scout-Justin Wiguna 06/11/2008
Scout-Joseph Moon 06/12/2008
Scout-Patrick De La Fuente 06/20/2008
Scout-Eric Pranadjaja 06/21/2008
Scout-Nitin Sadras 06/21/2008
Scout-Stephen Lee 06/26/2008
Scout-Eric Banuelos 07/17/2008
Scout-Bruce Shiao 07/30/2008
Scout-Raul Parikh 07/31/2008
Scout-Kyle Shimoda 08/22/2008
Scout-Andrew Park 08/29/2008
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