Committee Meeting August 2011

Date: Tuesday, August 2, 2011 - 7:00 PM
Location: Liberty Park
Chaired by: Alok Sancheti
Total present:19

Troop Agenda

View Meeting Agenda

Committee Reports

Committee Chair Report

Alok Sancheti

  • Would like to thank Troop 693, specially Chad Hoang for all their help and support while he was committee chair.

Scoutmaster’s Report

Chad Hoang

  • Court of Honor has changed to Tuesday 8/23/11 at Camp Liberty (Liberty Park 4:00 PM). SPL/Chad and Grace will be organizing this event. The troop will be doing a flag retirement and their will be an induction ceremony for new leadership 2011-2012 year. Speakers and an MC (Communication requirement), Projector and Screen, along with a Mic is needed. Will be asking Mr. Aune if we could borrow his speaker system.
  • Alok will be sitting with Chad during the next few SMC to help in his transition as scoutmaster on October 1, 2011.
  • All other Adult Leadership takes place 9/1/11.
  • Youth application will be handed out at the next meeting and they will be due at the end of August or first week of September.

Treasurer Report

Mi Kyong

  • Report on file

Quartermaster Report

Victor Hsiang

  • 13 shirts were purchased for summer camp
  • Eight (10 inch aluminum frying pans) were purchased. Total cost was $72.98

Registration Report

Cynthia Dang(not in attendance)

*No report

Outing Coordinator

//Andrew Chen //
*Several Water Outing have been bunched together. Suggest spreading them out and considering expense side as well.

  • September Planning meeting for scouts will be 9/10/11. Adults along with SPL will calendar the outings and discuss budget/expenses on 9/12/11 and on 9/19/11 Mandatory Recruiting Parent Outing meeting.
  • Grand Canyon permit is now only given through a lottery process, so if scouts would like to attend this year we must apply this October.

Eagle Guide

Maha Sadras
*Congratulations to Jeffrey and Kent who will be having their Eagle Character Board in September.

  • Matt Chern finished his eagle project with flying colors this past weekend and Mark Chern's Eagle project will be 9/17/11.
  • Brian Hsiang Eagle Project is 8/13/11 and 8/20/11.
  • Will continue to help and follow through with other who are working toward eagle.
  • Congratulations to our New Eagle Scout Nitin Sadras.

Trail to 1st Class

//Dennis Gorospe, Terry Domae //

  • Will be scheduling an 5 mile Orienteering activity. Edward Shin will be organizing it for August.
  • Summer Camp Trail to first class scouts, please see scoutmaster or assistant scoutmaster for sign offs, but be prepared to be quizzed.

Advancement Report

Susan (not in attendance), Melody(not in attendance), Grace, Jeanne (not in attendance)

  • For Court of Honor turn in all blue cards by 8/15/11

Webmaster’s Report

Jay Shin (not in attendance)

  • No Report.

Medicals Chair Report

Uttara Kelkar(not in attendance)

  • All medicals that are expired will be shredded completely. Will talk to Terry Domae regarding heavy duty shredder.

Community Relations

Kiran Rami(not in attendance), Anjali Atkins(not in attendance)

Adult Training

Richard Gilliland

Eagle Projects

  • Matt Chern 7/30/11
  • Brian Hsiang 8/13/11 and 8/20/11
  • Mark Chern 9/17/11

Check out new Calendar - 2011 for updated events. Coordinators are collecting information and will have flyers available with information in preparation of each outing.

Upcoming Outings

Date Event/Outing Coordinator Location Notes
June 23-26 Whitewater / Fishing - June 2011 Ed Johnson Kern river 10 scouts and 4 attended. Troop had a fantastic time riding the rapids. Budget was Finalized
June 29-July 4 Fundraising - July 2011 Jovita DeLaFuente Artesia 4th of July Fundraiser Thank you to all the adult volunteer for helping out in our annual fundraiser. It is a great way to meeting new parents and get to know each other as well. Claire finalized budget.
July 10-16 Summer Camp – July 2011 Christina Preciado Emerald Bay 36 scouts and 4 attended. I am so proud of all the scouts and adult leaders for the successful week we had at Camp Emerald Bay. A total of 97 merit badges were completed. We won the Camp Cleanliness award with 510 points and were given a round of applause on our Colors Ceremony on Friday evening. Throughout the week compliments on our Troop organization and respectful behavior was noted.
Aug 27-28 Beach Outing/Surfing - August 2011 Cynthia Chen, Frances Cheng Malibu 13 scouts and 4 adults currently signed up to go. $95 per scout and $25 per adult. Surfing class is provided (5 hours- 10 am to 3 pm). There will be a 1 adult to 2 scout ratio. Scouts will receive 2 hours of surfing class. There will also be opportunity to kayak and boogie board. Adults who attend must have Safety Afloat and Safe Swim Defense certification
Sept 17-18 Kayaking/Snorkeling - September 2011 Jas Jahic, Dennis Gorospe Oxnard –Channel Island Approximately $200 per scout (one night camping, two days kayaking)- $25 subsidy and $175 per adult. 15 scouts and 5 adults
Sept 24 Adult Potluck - September 2011 Christina Preciado Glenn's Nishibayashi Home –Cerritos Will be sending out a flyer via email for all adults to attend. This will give us a chance to communicate so that we get to know each other a little better in helping strengthen our troop family.
Oct 22-23 Backpacking - October 2011 Grace Lee, Yi Chu San Gabriel Mountains –Red Box 11 adults tested out the hike this past weekend. Aproximately $25 cost. A 5 mile training hike will take place at El Dorado Park on 10/2/11 to go over and check packing essentials.
Nov 19-20 Rock Climbing - November 2011 Jay Shin, Richard Gilliland Joshua Tree –Indian Cove Campground More Info at the next committee meeting.

Discussion Items and Other Business:

  • Troop 693 will be subsidizing 50% of cost for NYLT and SPL/ASPL Summer Camp Train up to $600 maximum split.
  • Troop 693 will be subsidizing 100% of cost for Adult Leadership Training up to $400 maximum split.
  • No Outing Refunds/ No Shortfalls
  • ASM Framework will be table to the next committee meeting. ASM will meet on 8/29/11 (Dark Monday)
  • City Hall Flag Ceremony 8/25/11
  • Alok purchased pins so that the troop can hand out to staff members on outings.

Long Term Outings Planned

  • Camp Cherry Valley (2013)

Medical Forms

Expiry date of Medical form can be found ad Medical Form Expiry

Next Committee Meeting: September 13, 2011 @ 7PM, Carmenita Middle School.

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