Windsurfing/Stand Up Paddle Boarding 2013

Start Date: Saturday, September 14, 2013 09:00 am
End Date: Sunday, September 15, 2013 3:30 pm
Meeting Point for Drop-off and Pickup: Cerritos Park East (Playground side)

Location: Mission Bay Aquatic Club in San Diego Mission Bay Park on the south end of Santa Clara Point.
Directions to Mission Bay Aquatic Center Take Interstate 5 South, exit at SEA WORLD DR. and turn RIGHT. Exit RIGHT onto W. MISSION BAY DR. and stay to the right around the roundabout. Turn RIGHT at the roller coaster onto MISSION BLVD. Turn RIGHT at the first light onto SANTA CLARA PL. Follow the signs to the right to the Mission Bay Aquatic Center.
Forms Needed: Activity Waiver Form ** TroopPermissionSlip.doc
Coordinator: Chandanika Gunawardene/Jackie Lee/Jeanne Cha
Cost: $101/scout $85/adult; Approximate Number of participants: 15-20
Last Sign-up/Paid Due Date: August 31, 2013


Surf program:
This is a 2-Day Windsurfing and Stand Up Paddle Boarding Program including all necessary equipment and instruction. Mission Bay Aquatic Center is a facility housing 25 windsurf board and 100 surfboards offering the best value program to our troop. Mission Bay Aquatic Center is a cooperative collegiate waterfront facility jointly owned and operated by Associated Students of San Diego State University and Campus Recreation of UCSD. Participants must have properly signed waivers and may be required to meet swimming test requirements prior to use of any MBAC facilities or equipment, in which the Aquatic Center normally requires a swim test.

Sept 14
9:00am Meet @ Cerritos Park East (Playground side)
12:00pm Arrive MBAC and lunch
1:00-4:00pm Windsurfing/Stand Up Paddle Boarding Program
5:00-6:00pm Arrive camp site and setup
7:00-10:00pm Activities @ Fiesta Island
Sept 15
9:00am-12:00pm Windsurfing/Stand Up Paddle Boarding program
12:30pm-1:30pm Lunch
1:30pm Depart
3:30pm Arrive home (Cerritos Park East - Playground side)

Fiesta Island

Things to bring:
1. Camping gears [see Camping Checklist ]
2. Swimming equipment and accessories
3. Green Class B T-shirt
4. Snack lunch
5. Gears for evening fun activities


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